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Don't get caught in the dark
As the UK embarks on the transition to a carbon neutral future, more and more energy will have to be generated. It is anticipated that over the next 20 years alone, and even by 2030 we will require an extra 50% of electricity generation and 50% more electrical infrastructure, so, to put it bluntly, there simply is not enough energy to deliver the EU and British government's objectives.
The Office of Low Emission Vehicles, OLEV has stated:

“we have begun a period of change in the way we power our motor vehicles to improve our environment, Our objective is that by 2050 almost every car and van in the UK will be zero emission, this will enable us to achieve carbon reduction targets and tackle air quality and noise pollution”
We can all do our bit to reduce energy consumption, fitting of LED lights, using energy efficient electrical goods, energy efficient heating and controls, even having an energy audit to see if you could save money by installing new technologies. But when you start to analyse the way we are now living you begin to see the shortfall in electrical energy.
We have an increasing population, even at current house building rates, which is desperately lower than targets set by central government, about 100,000 new builds every year, then there is industrial and commercial sectors, electrification of the railways, cross rail, large scale construction projects. You can add into this mix new technologies, so called energy hungry Crypto currency mining which, depending on what you read is no more energy hungry than the existing banking sector or the data storage sector with the likes of Google, Facebook etc, all of which are seeing unprecedented growth, but one thing is certain these technologies are the future.

Then we can add to the above, analysis done by the Association of Decentralised Energy , which in a recent report has concluded that a staggering £9.5 billion worth of energy is wasted throughout our ageing generation and electrical supply networks, before it even reaches homes and businesses, an equivalent of £354 per household.
Even with the Governments new Nuclear power station, Hinkley Point C, being constructed in Somerset at a cost of £20.3 billion, due to be completed in 2025 there will still be an energy shortage and as the cost will be handed back to British Electricity consumers, yes we will be picking up the tab for the next 35 years, energy prices are about to rocket. Energy prices on average double every 10 years, about 9% increase year on year but by adding the cost of Hinkley point into the mix, prices are only going one way and that’s up, fast.

Plan for the future - Did you know that the price of electricity has DOUBLED over the last 10 years?
It's a shocking (no pun intended) statistic, but it's a trend that looks to continue. As the cost of electricity continues to rise, the financial benefits of having your own renewable energy systems becomes greater and greater. The good news is that a system fitted today will continue to save you this money well into the future - guarding you against these future price hikes.